I am presently in windy Florida at my daughter's home with my two teen grandchildren. Such a happy time. I should preface this story with the statement that I do not swear. I used to but one day several years ago I decided I didn't want in my mouth what I wouldn't hold in my hand so I quit. Grandchildren have never heard me swear. Granddaughter came home night before last with her boyfriend of two years and just stood in front of me with a goofy look on her face and her arms folded in front of her. "What?" I said then glancing down I said simply "Oh, sh*t!" A long silent pause followed and then everyone burst out laughing! and hugging! and screaming! She had a gorgeous engagement ring on her finger. The "Oh, sh*t" was a result of what went thru my mind in a split second of realizing what this meant. First She is too young (at any age I might think that) second, (quick glance in DD's direction for her reaction) if her mother doesn't know about this, I am leaving for a couple hours till the dust settles and third, oh boy what they are in for. They are young and both still in school. He in college & she a senior in high school. Thankfully she had already prepared her mom (Smart girl) was me she knew she could trust with the surprise of it. She is really happy with the young man and I like him a lot. He is responsible and cares deeply for her in a good healthy way. Boyfriend was astounded but tickled that I had cussed. A fall wedding is planned so.....probably some work ahead for G'ma!
You know how hard it is to sometimes come up with a quilt pattern that appeals to guys? Well, I'm camping in Grandson's bedroom this trip and was looking around the posters on his wall. Check this one out...
Hope this stirs up some quilty ideas for you. I'll post pics of the ring when I take the picture and of the quilt if I decide to give it a GO.
You made me laugh too, Cheri! I'm sure your family will talk about this response of yours for years!
What a hoot Cheri! That s word slips off my tongue way too easy! Even as a teacher, it slipped a couple of times, much to the amusement of the students!
Congrats--and yes you'll be sewing! I made a cute skateboard quilt for grandson many years back and then last year when he needed one for his room, we found surfing fabric for him and made a bedsized quilt. I didn't think he'd like the fabric, but he did, and actually helped me find coordinating fabric. Those astericks are a great idea. I could mix them in with some of the leftover skateboarding fabric I have and it would make a cute quilt. Thanks for the idea!!!
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