Thursday, November 18, 2010


This morning I sent a text to my four  (...not my hubby's 12 cause they haven't shared their cell #'s) grandkids..."Tell me 5 things you want for Christmas and tell me your favorite colors."  My oldest answered right away saying she didn't have a clue could she let me know by end of day. Sure I answered. Then right away she sent these, cobalt, cerulean, red, purple, pink. Sounds like she has read all the mystery-related posts for Bonnie Hunter's Roll, Roll Cotton Boll mystery quilt and is ready to roll. LOL  A quilt for her will be an easy go. Oldest grandson answered "Is there anything you want?" That's always the way he is. Then he sent a very varied list. One big item (tv for HIS room), a book title, a movie title, a game title and a remote for his Xbox.   The other two are probably weighing the possibilities...they are both planners and goal setters.  I am blest!


At November 18, 2010 at 10:57 AM , Blogger Wacky Woman said...

Yes, that is about the best way to communicate with our grandkids, and Facebook.


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